Research Profile
Director Rebecca Weber is interested in the intersections between body and brain, dance and Somatics, and science and art; she seeks to promote dance artists' autonomy, expressivity, and articulation in both movement and language--to combine theory and practice, empirical and post-positivist approaches to the study of dance and somatics. She aims to create democratic, co-creative spaces to encourage critically thinking, embodied dancers.
Her current research focuses on creativity, choreography, dance pedagogy, dance science, cognitive psychology, embodiment, and Somatic practices. Her previous research has covered topics around dance pedagogy and Somatics; somatic memory; fluidity; and spirituality in dance and somatic practices.
A selection of Weber's published and presented research is below:
Weber, R. (2017) “The relationship between cognitive psychological models of creativity and Somatics-based choreographic practices,” paper presented at International Association of Dance Medicine and Science (IADMS) Conference (Houston, TX), 12-13th October 2017.
Weber, R., Mizanty, M., and Allen, L. (2017, in press) "Project Trans(m)it: Creating Dance Collaboratively via technology - a best practices overview": Research in Dance Education.
Weber, R. Mizanty, M., and Allen, L. (2017) "Project Trans(m)it: Techniques for Long-Distance Collaboration through Technology," paper presented at the CORD+SDHS: Transmissions and Traces: Rendering Dance Conference, (Columbus, OH), 19-22 October 2017.
Weber, R. and Reed, S. (2017) “Pedagogical Perspectives on Developing Creativity in Dance Students,” paper presented at Dance Fields Conference 19-22nd April 2017; Labanarium Launch Symposium, 6 Jan 2017; and Cognition Institute Conference, Plymouth University (Plymouth, UK), 8 July 2016.
Weber, R. (2017 - in press), “Somatic Movement Dance Education: Making Meaning Through Dance,” in Bond, K. and Gardner, S. (eds.) Dance and the Quality of Life: Springer Social Index Series. Springer: Dordrecht.
Weber, R. (2016), "Interacting Cognitive Subsystems and Dance: Choreographic Creativity,” in Grazia Sindoni, M., Janina Wildfeuer, J., and O’Halloran, K. (eds) Multimodal Perspectives in Performing Arts: Routledge Studies in Multimodality, Routledge: London. pp. 106-126.
Weber, R. (2016), "Divergent Thinking in Dance: Choreographic Creativity,” invited paper presented at MARCS Institute for Brain, Behaviour, and Development: Western Sydney University (Sydney, AUS), 7 November 2016; Motion.Lab: Deakin University (Melbourne, AUS), 2 November 2016; and at Macquarie University (Sydney, AUS), 11 November 2016.
Weber, R. and Clements, L. (2015) “The Importance of Novelty: A Movement Exploration,” interactive paper presented at The Culture Capital Exchange presents Culture, Creativity and the Academy – Exploring the New Normal – National professional conference, Guildhall School of Music & Drama, (London, UK), 14 July 2015.
Weber, R. (2015), "Choreographic Creativity and the ICS Theory," invited paper presented at the Brain, Belief, and Behaviour working group meeting- Coventry University Psychology Department.
Weber, R. (2015), “Anna Halprin’s Parades and Changes: A Harbinger of Ritual Transformations”: Dance, Movement, and Spiritualities (1:3), pp. 439-450. Intellect Publishing, England.
Williamson, A. and Weber, R. (2015), "Glancing Back, Looking Forward": Dance, Movement, and Spiritualities (1:3), pp. 361-372. Intellect Publishing, England.
Weber, R. (2015), “Somatic Memory as Choreographic and Performance Practice in Dance," Paper presented at Memory ^ Sentiment ^ Body ^ Space ^ Object Symposium - Centre for Dance Research, Coventry University (Coventry, UK), 15 May 2015.
Williamson, A., Batson, G., Weber, R., and Whatley, S. (ed.s) (2014), Dance, Somatics and Spiritualities: Contemporary Sacred Narratives. Intellect Publishing, England.
Eddy, M., Williamson, A., and Weber, R. (2014), "Reflections on the Spiritual Dimensions of Somatic Movement Dance Education," In Dance, Somatics, and Spiritualities: Contemporary Sacred Narratives, Eds. Williamson, A., Batson, G., and Whatley, S. and Weber, R. Intellect Publishing, England. pp. 159-194.
Weber, R. (2013), "Somatic Memory, Audience Engagement, and the Potential for New Ways of Viewing Dance," paper presented at World Dance Alliance: Americas Conference (Vancouver, BC), 29 July - 4 Aug 2013.
Weber, R. (2012) “Parades and Transformations: Ritual and the Nude Subject in Anna Halprin's Parades and Changes,” paper presented at Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association National Conference - Dance and Dance Culture (Boston, MA) 11-14 Apr 2012.
Weber, R. (2009) “Integrating Open-Framework Somatic Practices into Contemporary Dance Technique Training”: Journal of Dance & Somatic Practices (1:2). Intellect Publishing, England. pp 237-254.
For further information, please view her research profile on academia.edu or ResearchGate.